Theme of the lesson: Passive Voice

Theme of the lesson:  Passive Voice

Aims of the lesson:

Educational: the formation  of skills in monologue and dialogue, to enrich students’ vocabulary on the given theme, to practice using passive voice;

Developing: to develop pupils’ abilities in speaking through pair work, communicative competence, to develop their creative abilities through different kinds of activities.

Bringing – up: to teach pupils to value life,  to live healthy;

The type of the lesson: grammar lesson

Methods: question – answer, group work.

Visual aids: an interactive board, cards.


  1. Organization moment.
  2. Greeting

— Good afternoon, dear children!

— How are you?

  1. Classroom expressions
  • Who is on duty today?
  • Who is absent today?
  • What is the date today?
  • What day is it today?
  • What was your home task?
  • Thank you. Sit down.
  1. Checking up home task.

         Put the letters instead  these numbers.

  1. — waste
  2. — factory
  3. — countryside
  4. — pollution
  5. — environment
  6. — disposal
  7. — rubbish
  8. — mountain
  9. — problem
  10. 21.13.16. – dump


  • Phonetic drill

The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing.

The ground is white,

The beautiful night.

  1. Explain the new lesson.

In active sentences, the subject of the verb is the person or thing doing the action:

Example: George found the wallet.

In passive sentences, the action is done to the subject. So the subject is somebody or

 something to which something happens:

Example: The child was rescued by the police.


 We often don’t use by+ the subject of first sentence if:

We don’t know who did/does it:

                       Example: Active:  Someone has stolen my watch.

Passive: My watch has been stolen.

It’s obvious who did/does it:

Example: Active: The police arrested her last week.

Passive: She was arrested last week.

It’s not important who did/does it:

Example: Active: They are going to knock down the building.

Passive: The building’s going to be knocked down.

We usually use with when we talk about the things we use to do the action (such as tools and equipment).

Example: The wall was painted with a special paint.

When we talk about materials we usually use of.

Example: That table is made of wood.

  1. Grammar exercises

Ex.2 p.100 Put the verbs in brackets into the passive.

Every spring, before the summer  season starts, our local beach (1) _is cleaned(clean) by volunteers.  All the rubbish (2) is picked up (pick up) and (3)  put  (put ) into big bags.  Later, it (4)_is separated (separate) into things that can (5) be recycled (recycle), like glass and paper, and things that have to (6) _be thrown (throw) away. Last year, ten large bin bags (7) were taken (take) to the local recycling centre. I always help with the cleaning. The beach (8) is made (make) safer and cleaner for all of us and it’s good for the environment if some of the rubbish (9) _is recycled (recycle) too.


Task.1 Read the article about the cinema and complete the box all the Past Simple and Past Simple Passive forms . There are  seven Past Simple and Past Simple Passive forms .

An American, Thomas Edison, made the first machine  with moving pictures in 1891. it was called a kinetoscope. Then in 1895 a machine that projected picture on to screen was built by two French brothers, Auguste and Louise Lumiere. They called their machine a cinematographe. The pictures from this machine were shown one after the other quickly.

   The Lumiere brothers gave the world’s first public film show in 1896, and in America the world’s first cinema was built in Pittsburg in 1905.

     In the beginning films were made to show news, but by 1902 filmmakers began to write stories for film and use actors. These films were very popular in America, and Hollywood became important in the film making industry. The film and sound was shown in America in 1927.  It was called The Jazz Singer.

                 Past Simple   Past Simple Passive
1.     Made1.was called
2.     Projected2.was built
3.     Called3.were shown
4.     Gave4.was built
5.     Began5.were made
6.     Were6.was shown
7.     became7.was called


  1. Warm up.

 Task. 2 Find the words.





Task.3 Match  the words in column  A with B.

  1. Future Continuous -d                a) He drives to work most mornings.
  2. Present Perfect Continuous — f         b) Jo will have gone by the time you   


  1. Passive Voice — h                           c) I stayed at home and watched football.
  2. Past Continuous  — g                      d) At 8.15 a.m. on Wednesday I will be

                                                              taking     the children to school. 

  1. Present Simple — a                          e) She must think you are crazy.
  2. Modal Verb —  e                          f) It’s still cold as it has been snowing


  1. Future Perfect — b                      g) The students were talking when the

                                                                   teacher   arrive.

  1. Past Simple — c                                h) The radio was invented by  Popov.



Task.4 Which word is the add one out? Circle your answer.

  • lake, river, mountain, ocean, sea, channel.
  • Past Simple, Present Continuous, Modal Verbs, Comparative adjective, Passive Voice, Future Perfect.
  • At, on, not, in the middle, near, in, under.
  • Study, speak, learn, run, book, jump, play.
  • Wednesday, Saturday, Friday, May, Thursday, Sunday.
  • Hardworking, polite, shy, gentle, teacher, clever, talkative.


  • Evaluation
  • Giving homework: 1,3,4 p.71 and 72 in workbook
  • Good bye, pupils!
  • Good bye, teacher!