The theme of the lesson: Merry Christmas
The theme of the lesson: Merry Christmas
Aims of the lesson: develop communicative skills and abilities;
- to discuss holidays in different countries; work in groups.
The Procedure of the lesson.
- Organization moment
- Warm up.
Teacher:Good day , dear pupils . We shall speak about British holidays .I hope you will enjoy our demonstrative lesson.
We know that people in every country celebrate holidays. The word “ holiday” means “Holly day” .Most holidays in Great Britain are not religious , but commemorative in nature and origin.
III.Vocabulary . Read and the understanding.
Commemorative- ұмтылмас күн
Annual- жыл сайынғы
Nomadic- көшпелі
Messages- қысқа хат
Commonwealth- достастық
Amazing- ғажап
Dedication- арнау
Decorate- безендіру
Ornament- ою,әшекей
Lights- жарық
- T-P1,P2…
If a person would like to write a few lines to his friends or relatives, he usually sends postcards- holiday’s postcards, birthday postcards,Christmas and New Year postcards.Greeting cards are big business in Britain. English- speaking person who is sending a postcards of a very informal nature to his friends or relatives writes like this:
Greeting: Dear Pat, Dear Andy
Closing; Love/ Lots of love/Best wishes/Wish you were here.
Well, pupils, the postman came to our lesson. He has brought some holiday postcards.
- Work with postcards.
- A) Look at the interactiveboard.
Christmas Day Boxing Day Good Friday
\ | /
Holidays in Great Britain |
——New Year
/ | \
Spring Bank Holidays Easter Monday Summer Bank Holiday
Christsas Day-Діни мереке
Boxing Day-Рождество мерекесінен кейінгі
Good Friday- Қасиетті жұма күні
New Year’s Day- Жаңа жыл мерекесі
Easter Monday- Пасха күні
Spring Bank Holiday- Көктем мерекесі
Summer Bank Holiday- Жаздың алғашқы күні
- Look at the interactiveboard.
I want to tell you some information about Christmas.
VII.Test .p.83.
A)Read the text and speak about traditions connected with Christmas.
- b) Шығармашылық эссе.Берілген сөздерден сөйлем құрау.
С) Match the words. Үш тілде сәйкестендіру .
- D) Топтық жұмыс.(сөйлемді толықтыру)
Е) Топтастыру диаграммасы. Retelling.
VIII.Doing of the ex.1.p. 84.
25-th of December-birth Religious holiday
\ /
of Jesus Christ \ /
Christmas Day |
—-Stocking to receive gifts
Queen of the UK and / \
The commonwealth Christmas pudding
X.Home task. Ex. 4. to learn words and poems, to write greeting cards.