Theme: The most important things in a job Жұмыстағы маңызды заттар

Theme: The most important things in a job Жұмыстағы маңызды заттар

Aims of the lesson:  Келешектегі жұмыстар жайлы талқылау, ой бөлісу


1 Жұмыстарға сипаттама жасау, жұмыс жайлы әңгімелесу,    болжамдар жасау, тақырыптық сөздіктермен жұмыстар жүргізу

  1. Тыңдап түсіну , диалог құрастыру арқылы оқушының сөздік қорын кеңейту, ауызша сөйлеу дағдыларын жетілдіру
  2. Жауапкершілікке баулу, келешекте мамандық таңдауда дұрыс шешім қабылдауға бағыт беру

       The form of the lesson: ақпараттық технологияны қолдану арқылы өткен сабақ

The type of the lesson: жаңа білімді игеру

The methods: interview, discussing, listening

Visual aids: interactive board, electronic book, textbook

The motion of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment
  2. Greeting
  3. Marking absent
  4. Speech drill
  5. Warm up

Find professions.

     III. The main part of the lesson

  1. Listening
  2. Making up dialogue. What do you want to be in future?
  3. Guessing game. Paired letters.(try to find more words as you can)


     Plan of the lesson.
2. Word combination.
4. Audio exercising.
5.The Gerund.
7.Game. Execise.
8. Test.
10. Mark


Exercise-1.What job is it?
— You don’t walk. You don’t to the people in your cabin. You’re in the air. What job is it?
— You look after people in hospital.
You sometimes work day and sometimes night. What job is it?
-You build houses, buildings. What job is it?
-You mend cars. What job is it?
-You interview people. You write articles for newspapers. What job is it?
— You teach pupils, students. Your job is difficult but you have a long holiday.
What job is it?




  1. A poet is a person who writes poems.
  2. A writer is a person who writes books.
  3. A steelworker is a person who makes steel.
  4. A driver is a person who drives a car.
  5. A postman is a person who delivers mail.
  6. A spaceman is a person who flies into space.
  7. A sportsman is a person who goes in for sports.
  8. A milkmaid is a person who milks a cow.
  9. A serviceman is a person who serves in the army.
  10. An actor is a person who acts in films.
  11. A is a person who … … .
    Teacher,builder,journalist, singer,gardener, photographer,lawyer,accountant

The Gerund
Gerund (-ing form) is used:
a) after preposition (before,after,without,by,about,to,of):
After eating my lunch I went to school.
b) after certain verbs:
I enjoying travelling in summer.
c) as a subject of the sentence:
Swimming is useful for health.
d) after idioms:
This film is worth seeing.
This book is worth reading
 after verbs followed by the preposition “to”
I’m looking forward to seeing you. 

Put in the-ing form.Exercise-3. Page-212.
Example: drink
I don’t like drinking hot tea. Words you need
1. He started ____ early. His pictures are great.
2. Do you mind ____ the window?
3. I hate ____ alone at home.
4. I don’t mind  ____ the monitor.
5. Then he started _____ the piano.
6. I dislike ______ part in concerts.
7. Do you enjoy ______ on the beach?
8. Mum suggested ______ home early.
9.I couldn’t help _____  looking at her.
10. I am so happy. Dad stopped ______.

A game.,bedroom,bathroom,garden,hall,slow,yellow,red,black
5.yellow,brown,grey,sky,black,sister,granny,visitor, father,friend,teacher,gardener,builder


Exercise – 4. Page 88.
Add –er/-or,/-ist to the following
words to make up jobs.
Compare your list with partner.
1. reception-
2. manage-
4. drive-
5. write-
6. sing-
7. football-
8. journal-  V. Conclusion

  1. Home task Writing an essay about professions
  2. To put mark



Answering to following questions

  • What have you learnt today?
  • What kind of new words have you learnt?
  • Do you like the lesson?