The theme: Special powers

SubjectEnglishGrade:    7A


The theme:Special powers
The objectives:To read about special powers and senses

To learn about the Past Continuous

Expected result:Ø to develop friendship atmosphere in groups;

Ø to develop speaking and thinking abilities;

Ø to give a self-assessment to each other;

Ø to enlarge vocabulary


StagesTeacher`s activityStudents` activitiesResources
Organiza-tion moment

( 3min )


Dividing into 3 groups

Blue sweets, pink sweets, green sweets


The rules of a group






Students make the rules of the group

Sheets of paper
To awake  interest

( 2 min )

Warm up/ Key words: Senses

Look at the key words. Then say sentences about these things.

  • cheese
  • music
  • perfume
  • the sun
  • sea water



S-1, S-2……….


Example: You can see, smell and touch cheese but you cannot hear it!







A slide

Extra 1

«We hear things with our ears»

Make similar sentences about the other senses







S-1, S-2……….










A slide
Extra 2

Blindfold your eyes

1st group- Touch these things



2nd group- Smell these things


3rd group- Taste these things




Spaghetti, marmalade









Tea, shampoo, chocolate









Grapefruit, bread, cheese


Base value

Мағына-ны ашу

( 30 min)







Ex 2. Other senses?

Do you think people or animals have other senses? Are these things possible?

·  to communicate by thought (telepathy)

·  to find a place with no maps or directions

·  to see the future

Students share their opinions and give examplesA slide







Reading /The interviews: «Amazing animals»

Read the two interviews. Which things in exercise 2 are they about?


S-1, S-2

1. to find a place with no  map or directions

2. to see the future

A text

The interviews: «Amazing animals»

CD 2 track 4

Answer the questions

1.     Why did Paddy run away?

2.     How far did Paddy travel?

3.     Where was Pam`s aunt on holiday?

4.     How did the elephant save Pam`s  aunt?

S-1, S-2……….

1.    He ran after a rabbit

2.    350 kilometers

3.    Thailand

4.    It carried her up the hill

Discussing the interview in a class


Students tell what they have understood from the interview
Grammar: Past Continuous

Ex 5. Complete the sentences from the text with  was/ was not/ were/ were not

S-1, S-2……….


Fill in the text with Past Simple and Past ContinuousS-1, S-2……….


Watching  a video

«7 Wonders of the world»

An interactive board
Do you agree?

«7 Wonders of the world»

1) to see       2) to hear

3) to touch   4) to taste

5) to feel      6) to laugh

7) to love

S-1, S-2……….



 ( 3 min )

Senses. Talking about disabled people who have absence of sensesS-1, S-2……….


AssessmentAssessment according to colours of traffic lights
Home taskExercises from Work book