The theme of lesson: Present perfect Tense (just)


The theme of  lesson: Present perfect Tense(just)

The aims of lesson: Presentation new grammar materials. To enlarge pupils vocabulary, to pay attention to their pronunciation To introduce the new words and expressions the theme.

The aids of lesson: cards, note — book, markers, stickers.

Type  of  the  lesson: question- answer, explaining;

Method  of  the  lesson: group  work, pair work;

Expected results:  Pupils will know  Present perfect &Past Simple (negative and question forms)and  their


Activities of  teacherActivities of pupilsResources


Organization moment


I’ll check the register.

Any absences?


— Good morning !

— everybody raise their hands and say «Here»/ «Present».


Beginning the lesson

(Тұсау кесер)



-I say a verb and you give the three forms of it.





Checking homework:





Let’s see the rule! What is the Present Perfect?








1.      Go – went – gone

2.      Come – came – come

3.      Do – did – done

4.      Fly – flew – flown

5.      Have – had – had

6.      Run – ran – run

7.      Swim – swam – swum

8.      Sing – sang – sung









Messages student`s book





Messages student`s book


Theoritcal part

(Негізгі бөлім)

-We can see there the sphere of the Present and the sphere of the Past. When we want to say about the action that refers both to the Present and to the Past we use the Present Perfect Tense.

-We can see there the sphere of the Present and the sphere of the Past. When we want to say about the action that refers both to the Present and to the Past we use the Present Perfect Tense.

-As I have already mentioned we use the Present Perfect Tense when we connect the Present with the Past. There can be some word that can help you understand that it is Present Perfect. They are: NEVER, EVER, JUST, ALREADY, YET. Let’s remember their translation.



Answer the questions on the pictures.

Picture 1. Kate is at school now. She left home an hour ago. Look at what is happening in her house and answer the questions.






























·         Has she switched the iron off?

·         Has she closed the fridge?

·         Has she turned the water off? Is the water running?

·         Has she switched the light off?

·         Has she turned the gas off?

·         What has she done right?


Messages student`s book






















Messages student`s book


Copy -book


Conclusion part.

(Қорытынды бөлім)


Look at the examples and complete the explanation

What are the most unusual things your group-mates have done?





















Home work:

Giving marks:

Writing the reflection.

Present perfect & past simple


·         Have you ever …?

·         Have you ever written a poem?

·         Have you ever broken a window?

·         Have you ever seen a ghost?

·         Have you ever been abroad?

·         Have you ever spoken to a foreigner?

·         Have you ever found any money?

·         Have you ever lost your key?

·         Have you ever heard an opera?

·         Have you ever swum in the sea?

·         Have you ever read novels by Dickens?

·         Have you ever conducted a lesson in German?

·         Have you ever eaten avocado?

·         Have you ever flown by plane?

·         Have you ever played the guitar?




Exercise:4b).p.53.Reading &translating.
































Diary of pupils
