The theme: Intellectual game «The wonder land «. Интеллектуалды ойын «Ғажайып алаң»
The theme: Intellectual game «The wonder land «. Интеллектуалды ойын «Ғажайып алаң»
The aims:
- Educational:
Enrich students’ general vocabulary.
- Developing:
To develop attention, imagination, reading, speaking and pronunciation habit.
- Upbringing:
To enlarge country studying knowledge and educate the feeling of love towards our motherland.
Methods and way: Competition
Visual and technical aids: computer, interactive board.
Equipment: Slogans, cards, balloons, a black box
- Bakytbekkyzy Orynbasar
- Zeinurina Aisulu
- Toleugazinova Aiyaulym
- Ualiakparova Altynai
- Baidauletova Madina
- Saparov Daniyar
- Kambelova Ulpan
- Iksanova Alina
- Taizhigitova Talshyn
The procedure of the game
- Organization moment:
— Good afternoon dear teachers and students!
— You are welcome to our English Intellectual game!
— We are glad to meet you at our unusual contest which is called Intellectual game «The wonder land «.
— Now it is time to begin an hour of merry game.
— The president of our country Nursultant Abishevich Nazarbaev set a task — to know 3 languages. And one of them is English. Our students are English speakers, too. And now, they want to demonstrate their knowledge.
— Let’s begin our game. I think our game will be interesting for us.
— The game consists of three rounds, the game with the audience, and the final supergame. To participate in the game we need to choose 9 people.
The rules of the game: the game is played in 3 selection and 5 major tours — current three and one final and super — game. In each «mostly» round participates in 3 players. Their purpose is to queue, calling letters, guess the encrypted word. For correctly guessed letter players receive points. If such a letter is missing, the turn passes to another player. If the letter is guessed right, the same player has the right to once again make a move (called a different letter). The winners of each round go to the final. Wins the game the player who will guess the final word. For it is super — game.
In the first qualifying round are attended by all interested. In the qualifying round 3 questions. The first person, who answers the question correctly, becomes a player main part of the game. In the rest of the qualifying rounds welcomes those who have not yet participated in the basic game.
Sectors of the drum:
1 . If numbers are specified, these are scored points;
2 . «Arrow» — rotation transition to other player;
3 . «Chance» — the help;
4 . * 2 – all points double;
5 . + — the player calls any letter which wants to open;
6 . «prize» — the player either chooses or refuses a prize in a black box. The book, notebook, etc. can be a prize;
- Children, today we have to play a game « The wonder land » and is dedicated to…………………………………
- What is your surname?
- Where were you born?
- How many members there are in your family?
- What does your father do?
- What does your mother do?
- What do you want to be?
- What are your favorite subjects?
- What’s your address?
- What’s your hobby?
- What’s your favorite sport?
1- selection round:
- When was established The Republic of Kazakhstan? (in 1991)
- What are the symbols of the state? (national flag, emblem and anthem)
- What is our national currency? (tenge)
The questions of the 1-round:
What is the Republic of Kazakstan in the form of government? — (U N I T A R Y)
2- selection round:
- What is the symbol of freedom in Kazakhstan? (an eagle)
- Who is President of Kazakhstan? (A. Nazarbayev)
- What kind of state is KZ? (independent, democratic)
The questions of the 2-round:
XIX th century the coal was found in around the modern Karaganda. Who found it? — (B A I Z H A N O V APPAK)
3- selection round:
- The main religious center in the whole of Kazakhstan was the city: Главным религиозным центром всего Казахстана был город: (Turkestan)
- In what month is Kazakh New year celebrated? (Nauryz)
- When Astana did became the capital of Kazakhstan?(in 1998)
The questions of the 3-round:
What is the first capital of Kazakhstan? (O R E N B U R G)
Game with the audience:
It is a monument and observation tower in Astana, Kazakhstan. A tourist attraction popular with foreign visitors and native Kazakhs alike, it is emblematic of the city, which became capital of the country in 1997.
(B A I T E R E K)
Composer, poet-publicist of the second half of the XIXth century:
(Z H A Y A U M U S A)
Super game:
There are a lot of reserves in Kazakhstan. This reserve is very popular in the world. What is the Reserve?
(K U R G A L D Z H I N)
— We congratulate our winner.
— Thank you very much for your active participation in our game. Everyone was brilliant.
— We must always remember that «Knowing many languages - to have a lot of keys to one lock».
— Dear teachers, students our game which is called Intellectual game «The wonder land» is coming up to the end.
— Thanks for your attentions.
— Good-bye!
The teacher of English: Matenova B. A.