Theme: Gardening
Theme: Gardening
The objectives of the lesson.
- Educational: To teach the pupils to get the main information while reading the text to improve hearing skills.
- Developing: to develop the pupils speaking skills, writing and listening skills by working with texts, analyzing and doing exercises.
- Up-bringing: To teach to understand and love nature.
Types of lesson: Getting new information
Visual aids: a textbook, interactive board.
Procedure of the lesson.
- Organization moment
- Checking-up hometask
- Evocation (қызығушылығын ояту)
- Realization (мағынаны тану)
- Relaxing time
- Reflextion (ой толғаныс)
- Conclusion of the lesson. Mini-control
- Giving hometask
- Organization moment: Greeting
- Checking-up hometask: to learn by heart new words of past subject
- Evocation: I. To show animation “Gogo’s adventures with English”
Give task using animation. Pupils watch animation and then they’ll make-up a dialogue from animation.
Tony: Can you see Jenny?
Jenny: Yes I can
T: Can Gogo see?
J: No he can’t
Gogo: Yes I can. I can see.
Producer: Who is he?
J: His name is Gogo.
P: What he can do?
T: He can dance
J: Dance Gogo.
P: Very good. Can he sing?
- No he can’t.
G: I can. Have you got a pencil? Yes I have
P: He can’t sing
G: I can swim. Watch
J: He can catch
T: He can climb
P: Can he read?
T: Can you read Gogo?
G: Yes, I can; I can read
- Sam:
2 | 5 | 7 | 8 | |
4 | L | O | B | Z |
6 | E | G | D | A |
9 | S | R | N | C |
- Phonetic drill:
We want to stamp
We want to clap
We want to run
We want to jump
We want to play
It’s fine and OK.
- Realization of meaning (мағынаны тану)
- Introducing with new words:
Plant [pla:nt] отырғызу
Watering [wa: tәing] суару
Whitewash [waitwa] ақтау
Prune [ pru:n] кесу
Garden [ga:dn] бақша
Gardener [ga:dner] бағбаншы
Gardening [ga:dninŋ] бақшалық
- Discussing the following questions:
- Do you have a garden?
- What kind of garden would you like to have?
- What do people usually do in the garden?
- Do you like working in the garden?
- Look at the picture. Study the picture. Write down all the ideas that come to your mind.
- Let’s introduce with grammar. Past continuous. In what way this tense is formed.
Forming: was/were+verbs+ing
Болымды түрі Сұраулы түрі Болымсыз түрі
I was was I I was
You were were you you were
He/she it was planting was he/she it planting? He/she it was not planting
We we we
You were were you you were not
They they they
For example:
Yesterday at 7 o’clock Omar was writing a letter.
What were you doing at 9 o’clock yesterday?
It wasn’t writing a letter at 7 o’clock last night.
Ережесі: өткен шақтағы белгілі бір уақытта бастап, сол уақыт туралы айтқан кезде әлі де жалғасып жатқан оқиғаны білдіреді. Яғни:
А) at 5 o’clock, at 7 o’clock, at that moment, деген сияқты уақыты айтылады.
Б) past indefinite шағындағы етістік түріндегі басқа да іс-әрекеттер айтылады.
Doing Exercises using past continuous:
Ex 1p 216
- My friend was talking on the phone when I come into the room.
- What were you doing at 4 o’clock afternoon?
- I was speaking English when my teacher came into the classroom.
- Omar was reading a book when Colin phoned him.
- Dmitry was writing a letter when I worked into the room.
- Relaxing time: Song “Old mcdonald”
- Reflection (ой толғаныс)
- Ex 5 p115 Listening the dialogue
Good reading (pupils 1….2….3.)
- Ex 6 True or false
- a) T b) T c) F d) F e) F f) T g) T
VII. Conclusion of the lesson. Mini –control: Pyramid essay:
- Тақырып адам, жануар, жансыз зат
- Екі сөзге сыйдырып тақырыпты сипаттау
- Әңгіменің орнын бейнелейтін үш сөз
- Төрт сөз арқылы заттың маңыздылығын сипаттау
- Бес сөз арқылы тақырыптың кері әсерін анықтау
- Алты сөзбен туындаған мәселені шешу жолдарын көрсету.
Pyramid essay:
Useful, important
Flowers, trees, vegetables
Relax, enjoy, learn, inform
Be tired, prune, whitewash, weeding
Pruning, watering, planting, able-bodied, look-after
A game: Magic box
All student say each other compliments giving box.
VIII Evaluation. Giving hometask : To learn by heart new words, and make-up sentences using past continuous, and write “ Gardening in my village”