Сабақтың тақырыбы: Дәрігерде
Сынып: 7 А
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Дәрігерде
Мақсаты: Оқушыларға ауру аттары, ауру белгілерін және оны емдеу жолдарын
айтуды ағылшын тілінде үйрету (1 минут)
Міндеттері: Ауызша сөйлеуге дағдыландыру
Ақыл-кеңес беруде «should» демеулігін қолдануды үйрету
Жазбаша сауаттылығына көңіл бөлу
Салауатты өмір салтын насихаттау
Сабақ әдісі: Аралас
Сабақ типі: Жаңа сабақ
Пәнаралық байланыс: биология
Көрнекілігі: интерактивті тақта, электронды оқулық, плакаттар, маркерлер, кеспе
Procedure of the lesson: ( 2 минут )
I Org. moment: Good afternoon, dear pupils! How are you? Are you ready for the lesson?
Absence/ presence Date/ day
2 . Checking homework ( 5 минут )
Your homework was to make conversations about health
- 3. Brainstorming ( 2 минут )
Match the sentences
When people have a toothache don’t drink coffee or tea
When people have a cold take some aspirin
When people have a temperature go to the dentist
When people are tired call a doctor
When people have a headache drink warm milk with honey
Wnen they have insomnia go to bed early and rest
Pupils, how do you think, what about will be our lesson? ( 2 минут )
Yes, our new theme is named “At the doctor’s”
- Pre-reading task Let’s learn some new words from the blackboard and remember
the difficult words you can meet in the story. ( 2 минут )
fell ill blood pressure
temperature case of the flu
sore throat prescription for a gargle
splitting headache cough medicine
ached followed
examined my lungs instructions
felt my pulse tablespoonful of mixture
- While listening to the text you need to complete the chart ( 10 минут )
Complete the chart
Season _______________________
- Listen to the speaker and read notes from Michael’s diary.
January 10, 2013
It’s winter now. We are in Canada. It’s often cold here. So a week ago I suddenly fell ill. It
was just after the New Year Party. I had a high temperature, a running nose, and a sore
throat. Also I had a splitting headache and a cough. My whole body ached. Mom told me to
stay in bed and called for a doctor. The doctor examined my lungs, felt my pulse and blood
pressure, took my temperature. He said it was a light case of the flu and told me to have a
rest. He wrote a prescription for a gargle and cough medicine. I followed all the doctors
instructions. Every day I took a tablespoonfull of mixture 3 times a day and some pills. In
three days I was better and I have almost recovered by now.
Task 1 – have you completed the chart. Please, read
Task 2 – Repeat the new words
- Can you explain what’s wrong with people? What is doctor doing? ( 4 минут )
A high temperature is writing a prescription
Is examining the throat is taking temperature
Is taking blood pressure a splitting headache
Is examining lungs a running nose
- Michael poured some water onto his diary. Help him to get back missing words. ( 7 минут )
January 10, 2013
It’s winter now. We are in Canada. It’s often cold here. So a week ago I suddenly _______.
It was just after the New Year Party. I had a high _________________, a running nose and
a ________________. Also I had a __________________ and a ___________. My whole body
____________. Mom told me to stay in bed and called for a doctor. The doctor ___________,
_______________________ and _________________________, _______________________.
He said it was a light _____________________ and told me to have a rest. He wrote
________________________ and __________________. I _________________all the doctors
___________________. Every day I took a ________________________ 3 times a day and
some ___________. In three days I was better and I have almost ______________________
by now.
Words we need: fell ill, temperature, sore throat, splitting headache, cough, ached, examined
my lungs, felt my pulse, blood pressure, took my temperature, case of the flu,
prescription for a gargle, cough medicine, followed, instructions,
tablespoonful of mixture, pills, recovered.
- FOLLOW-UP. Work with groups. ( 7 минут )
Pupils, you should divide into two groups. The 1st group is named “Patients” and they should
write symptoms for some illnesses. The 2nd group is named “Doctors” and they should make
a diagnoses and write a prescription.
Illnesses | Symptoms |
Illnesses | Diagnosis, treatment |
- Conclusion of the lesson. Checking pupils’ progress. ( 5 минут )
- Fill in the gaps: pre___ription
- Prescription
- Prescription
- Preccription
- Prescription
- Choose the correct name for a group of words: high temperature, running nose, sore throat.
- Disease
- Symptoms
- Headache
- Medicine
- You should follow all the doctor’s _________________
- Recover
- Aches
- Lungs
- Instructions
- Doctor, can I make a cough medicdine____________?
- Yourself
- Itself
- Myself
- Themselves
- Find the mistake in the sentence and choose its correct variant: Are these your pills? – No, they are not myself.
- No, they are myself
- No, they are not my
- No, they are not mine.
- No, they are not me.
- Put the words in the right order. Make up a sentence:
felt lungs pressure the doctor my and blood.
- Doctor felt my the blood and lungs pressure
- The doctor felt my lungsand blood pressure
- The doctor and my lungs felt my blood pressure
- Find the right question to the answer.
Getting better, thanks
- Where are you?
- How are you?
- Who are you?
- When are you?
- Your mark is excellent! ( 3 минут )
- Home Assignment:
Write a prescription for a patient
The lesson is over! Good-bye!