Theme of lesson: Do you help in the house?
Theme of lesson: Do you help in the house?
Aim: Өткен сабақты қайталау арқылы пысықтау,етістіктермен үстеулерді дұрыс та орынды қолданып сөйлеуге үйрету,сұраулы сөйлемдердің дауыс ырғағын қалыптастыру,балаларды 2 топқа бөліп әртүрлі тапсырмалар беру арқылы оларды топтық жұмыс жасауға баулу және бір-біріне деген қарым-қатынасын нығайту,оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайту,танымдық көзқарастарын дамыту;
Visual aids: pictures and postcards
- Organization moment
What is the date today?
What is the day today?
Who is absent today?
- Checking up the hometask
What was your hometask?(learn by heart the phrases and words)
Pupils ask hometask each other by chain.
Colin: I often help my mother in the house. I usually make my bed, sometimes tidy my room. I always take the rubbish out. I seldom do the washing up and never lay the table.
Colin: Do you ever help your Mum in the house, Omar?
Omar: Yes, I do. I often help my Mum…
Colin: How often do you make you bed?
Omar: I always make my bed.
Colin: And how often do you tidy your room?
Omar: Once a week. Usually on Saturday morning.
Colin: Who lays the table in your family?
Omar: My mum does.
Colin: So does my Mum.
Exercise 94.
Help somebody always
Make one’s bed sometimes
Tidy one’s bed usually
Take the rubbish out often
Do the washing up seldom
Lay the table never
Once/twice a week
Four times
- The course of the lesson
1.Work with the picture
There is a picture on the board. You should describe it and write on the blackboards.
2.Creation work
I’ll give you 5 minutes, you should make a short rhyme, using new phrases and words.
For example:
Do you help in the house?
Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
Do you take the rubbish out?
Sometimes Yes, Sometimes No.
3.Work with book
Please, open your notebooks
Exercise 5.page95.
Answer the questions . Use the words in the box.
For example:
Does Colin ever help his mother?
Yes, he often helps his mother.
- Hometask
Make a short story. How do I help my Mum?
- Put mark