Тheme: There is a swimming pool next to my house

Тheme: There is a swimming pool next to my house

Aims: Importance of countries in students’ life

Duties: 1. To direct using new words in the sentences

  1. To know many types of countries
  2. To understand importance of countries in person’s life

Results:  1.  They received an information about countries in the world

  1.   They used new words establishing dialogical contact
  2.      They opened their opinions of critical thinking

Methods: Critical thinking

Literature: 5 grade ’’ English ’’ Аяпова Т

Visual aids: Interactive blackboard, posters, slides, smiling, warm up, internet, pictures of

                     Countries and transports

Learning technology: dialogical learning


Plan of the lesson:

І.  Organization moment (2 min)

ІІ. Checking home task (3 min)

ІІІ. New theme (36 min)

а. New words (5)

  1. b. Dialogue read and translate (3 min)

Text ’’ United States’’ read and translate (8 min)

  1. Slide pictures of countries and transports (5 min)
  2. d. Make up sentences using the verb ’’ want to’’ with these pictures (7 min)
  3.    Warming up (1 min)
  4. I want to go someday …. Defending (7 min)


ІV.  Conclusion/reflection (1 min)

  1.  V.   Smiling (1 min)

VІ.  Mark (1 min)

VII. Home task (1 min)


                  Course of the lesson


Stages of the lesson


Teacher’s action


Children’s action




Teacher meet the children. Then she will divide the children into two groups by sticks.



They will ready for lesson.




II. Checking up

 home task




Exercises 16 at page 130, exercise 17 at page 130 and new words.

She will check up their home task.



The teacher will choose the pupils who done their home tasks as a leader and gives to the leaders mark criterion.





Children will read their assay.





The leaders will mark themselves.

ІІІ. New theme



























































































































IV. Writing!











She will begin the new lesson with the new words:




Pacific ocean    [pəsifik əuʃən]   

                                     Тынық мұхиты

Hollywood      [hͻliwud]       Голливуд

British Museum    [britiʃ mjuzi:əm]   

                                   Британдық музей

castle               [ka:sl]             сарай

someday       [sm dei]          бір күні












New theme is ’’ There is a swimming pool next to my house ’’. Teacher will give them exercise 3 at page 131. Read the dialogue and translate it.

She gives them exercise 5 at page 131. Read the text and translate it.

Then she gives them exercise 7 at page 131. Study the pictures. She shows them slides of countries and transports. She reads all the names of countries and transports. Then she checks up their memory and plays   the game ’’ Who has a good memory?’’















She gives them make up   sentences using the verb ’’ want to’’    with these pictures.

They will carefully listen to the teacher.










They ‘ll find the new theme  looking at the picture thinking critically.




They’ll read the dialogue and translate it.


They’ll read the text and translate it.



They’ll read all the names of countries and transports.


They’ll read the names of countries and transports don’t looking at the names.
















They’ll make up   sentences using the verb ’’ want to’’    with these pictures.

V. Warming up!


She will show physical exercise from the interactive blackboard.



Pupils will stand and do physical exercises.





VI. Defending





She gives to each group posters and markers and explains how to do this task.




They will write or draw about ’’I want to go someday … . ’’   then they will defend their tasks.




VII. Conclusion/



She will give them sticks.







They will write their opinions about new theme in the sticks.



VIII. Smiling poster


























IX. Mark













She will give them sticks.



























Teacher gives some words to leaders then she puts conclusion mark.








They will put the sticks in the smiling poster.

                              I know

I have learnt


I want to know



The leaders will mark pupils with the criterion and say about the marks.




X. Home task


She gives them home tasks.

The lesson is over!

Good-bye, children!


They’ll do exercise 10 at page 132, exercise 11 at page 132 and new words.
